We will be accepting new members again in February. New members will be able to pay their membership fees at the Beginning Beekeepers' course in February. The dates of the course have yet to be confirmed, but details will be posted in advance on our website, Facebook page and our WhatsApp group.
Individual Full Membership - 80 euros
Additional family member - 30 euros

New members need to complete an application form. Please email me to request an application form. Our email address is on the Contact Us page of the website.
Please be aware that we communicate with our members via this website, our Facebook page and our members' only WhatsApp group.
If you have any questions about any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can contact me via the email address on the Contact Us page of the website, or via WhatsApp/text for existing members.
Thank you for your continued support of our Association.
Best regards