County Wexford Beekeepers' Association

Useful Links and Resources
Here's a list of links and resources that you may find useful. If you find any others that you think are helpful, please use our Contact page to get in touch and let us know.

​From Teagasc, a detailed publication which includes a detailed Beekeeping Calender, the specs for making hives and lots of other valuable information.
Dave Cushman's site has a lot of useful information.
The Native Irish Honey Bee Society supports native Irish honey bees throughout the country with useful information on its website.
Useful information for beginner beekeepers at I Love My Bees.
The Department of Agriculture has lots of information about beekeeping, regulations and possible diseases of bees.
The Federation of Irish Beekeeping Association, a wealth of information.
The Norfolk Honey Company has a range of very useful practical beekeeping videos available online.
How to use a bee smoker has lots of advice on this topic.
You can read about some common mistakes here.
Bee Friendly Plants
Biodiversity Ireland has a publications on bee friendly plants.
As does the Royal Horticultural Society, concentrating more on garden plants and flowers.
Irish Beekeeping has a useful web page with pictures of bee friendly plants, flowers and trees.
Gardeners’ World’s web page concentrates on garden flowers, again with pictures.
Beverley Bee’s has a post about how to have a bee friendly garden.
Teagasc publication on bee friendly farming.

Beekeeping Supplies
Bee Supplies, near the M50
Ben Harden Beekeeping, in Gorey
Donegal Bees
Irish Bee Supplies are based in Louth
Thorne's, a British company
Beekeeping Videos
How to transfer honey bees from a nuc to a hive video by Wexford Wild Valley Honey.
Buckfast versus Irish black bee video by Wexford Wild Valley Honey
Marking the queen and putting a big swarm of bees into a new hive by Wexford Wild Valley Honey
Decapping a super full of honey for extracting by Wexford Wild Valley Honey
The Origins and Diversity of Apis Mellifera in Ireland by Prof Grace McCormack from NUIG
What we can learn from wild honey bees by Prof Grace McCormack from NUIG
Asian hornet – the current situation in UK 2023 by Nigel Semmence